Sana Transactions

This document provides the list of Sana tables in SAP and transactions which can help you set up a Sana webstore and manage master data.



Sana Easy Access

Transaction code: /n/sanaecom/webstore

Sana Commerce for SAP

The Sana easy access user menu in SAP is the user-specific point of entry into the Sana add-on for the SAP system. From the Sana’s main screen in SAP you can access:

  • Catalog Overview

  • Webstore Filter

  • Customer Assortment

  • Webstore Configuration

  • Sana User Tables

  • Startup Wizard

  • Customers Overview

  • Attachments Overview

  • Orders Overview

  • Invoice Payments

  • Data Upload

  • Data Validation Rules

  • Manual Process Requests

  • Webstore Optimization

  • Activate Business Configuration Sets

  • Adapter Operation Maintenance

  • Web Service Maintenance

  • Sales Statistics

  • Sana User Manuals for SAP

For more information, see Sana Easy Access.

Webstore Catalog Overview

Transaction code: /n/sanaecom/catover

Web Store Catalog Overview

Simulates the web store behavior and it is used to check and see an overview of all material prices, stock, units of measure, last modified date of a product, products orderability and visibility. Show or hide any material in the Sana webstore.

For more information, see Webstore Catalog Overview.

Webstore Filter

Transaction code: /n/sanaecom/filter

Webstore Filter

Webstore filter in SAP is used to filter products, customers, contacts, sales agents, and bill of materials. Only those products, customers, contacts, sales agents, and bill of materials which meet the filter criteria will be indexed by Sana and shown in the Sana webstore.

For more information, see Webstore Filter.

Customer Assortment

Transaction code: /n/sanaecom/assortment

Customer Assortment

Used to specify which products and product groups should be shown to the individual customers and customer groups or hidden.

For more information, see Customer Assortment.

Webstore Configuration

Transaction code: /n/sanaecom/admin

Webstore Sales Area

In SAP various data is created and managed within a specific sales area that is used in the relevant business transactions.

You must assign a Sana web store to a certain company and sales area in SAP.

For more information, see Webstore Sales Area.

General Settings

In this table, you can set up some of the global settings for a Sana webstore.

For more information, see General Webstore Settings.

Language Mapping

Sana web store is multi-lingual.

In this table, you must add all languages that are available in your Sana webstore.

For more information, see Languages and Translations.

Visible Countries

In this table, you can add those countries that should be available in the Sana webstore for online customer registration, guest checkout, shipping address and prospective customers.

For more information, see Countries.

Shipping Methods

You can add only those vendors that you want to import into Sana to link to the shipping methods. Otherwise, all vendors will be imported to Sana.

For more information, see Shipping Methods.

Account Group Mapping

This table is used to map the appropriate customer account groups in SAP to the relevant Sana account groups. This is needed to save a new customer who registers online in the Sana webstore into SAP, guests, and to update existing customers.

For more information, see Account Group Mapping.

Partner Functions

Use this table to set up the partner functions for sales agents and contacts. By adding the partner functions to this table, only those sales agents and contacts which are assigned to the selected partner functions will be indexed and used by Sana.

For more information, see Partner Functions.

Supported Order Types

Used to map the standard sales document types from SAP to the sales documents that are used in the Sana webstore (Order, Quotation, etc.).

For more information, see Supported Order Types.

Sales Order Text Mapping

Used to define in which sales order header text the order comments should be stored.

For more information, see Sales Order Text Mapping.


In SAP it is possible to cancel the whole sales order or any of its order lines. You can add all reasons of rejection which you are not going to use to this table.

For more information, see Cancel Order (Rejection).

When a customer cancels the order payment on the payment provider page for some reason, the sales order can be automatically removed in SAP. You can activate deletion of the canceled sales orders in SAP.

For more information, see Delete Orders (Deletion).

Pricing Calculations

In this table, you can set up pricing conditions which are used to determine and calculate prices, discounts, taxes and charges.

For more information, see Pricing Calculation.

B2B Customer Payment Mapping

In the Sana webstore business customers can pay the orders on account, online through a payment gateway, and business customers can also pay a certain prepayment amount before final invoicing. Which type of payment should be used is controlled from Sana Admin and should be also set up in this table.

For more information, see B2B Customer Payment Mapping.

B2B Customer Invoice Payments

Sana allows to accept payments on open invoices through a payment provider directly from a webstore.

Use this table to set up the accounting document type and the G/L account where invoice payments from the Sana webstore must be posted.

For more information, see B2B Customer Invoice Payments.

Product Classification Mapping

Used to define the classes you are using to add material characteristics in SAP. Only material characteristics of the classes added to this table will be available in Sana Admin for indexing to configure web store search, facetted filters and product specifications.

For more information, see Material Characteristics.

Storage Locations

Used to set up the delivering plants and storage locations for the Sana webstore to calculate inventory.

For more information, see Inventory.

Alternative Items Mapping

Used to map data types of the alternative products to the corresponding condition types.

For more information, see Alternative Products.

Visible Currencies

Used to set up currency visibility for the Sana webstore. Only those currencies added to this table will be indexed by Sana and used in the webstore.

For more information, see Currencies.

Visible UOM

Using the Visible UOM table, you can define which units of measure from SAP should be used for your catalog in the Sana webstore.

For more information, see Units of Measure.

Sana User Tables

Transaction code: /n/sanaecom/u_tables

Invisible Customer Groups

All customers from a particular group added to this table are not indexed and thus are not used in the Sana webstore.

For more information, see Invisible Customer Groups.

Invisible Customers

All customers added to this table are not indexed and thus are not used in the Sana webstore.

For more information, see Invisible Customers.

Promotion Descriptions

Used to create promotion codes.

For more information, see Promotion Descriptions.

Invisible Product Categories

Product categories (hierarchies) added to this table will not be imported into Sana Admin to automatically build webstore navigation.

For more information, see Product Hierarchy.

Product Suggestions

Used to suggest products to the customers which they might be interested to buy. Depending on the setup, customers can see products which were ordered most frequently by them, or those which were the most expensive.

For more information, see Product Suggestions.

Sana Startup Wizard

Transaction code: /n/sanaecom/start

Startup Wizard

Sana Startup Wizard is the easiest way to set up the Sana web store right after the Sana add-on is installed inside SAP. It will guide you through the main settings that are necessary to configure for the correct functioning of the Sana webstore, to establish connection between Sana and SAP, and to start using the data and business logic of your SAP system.

For more information, see Startup Wizard.

Customers Overview

Transaction code: /n/sanaecom/customer

Customers Overview

See an overview of all your consumers and business customers. If you have multiple webstores assigned to different sales areas, you can also see customers for each web store. You can check whether a customer is valid and determine whether a customer should see prices including or excluding tax in a Sana webstore.

For more information, see Webstore Customers Overview.

Attachments Overview

Transaction code: /n/sanaecom/att_ovrvew

Attachments Overview

In SAP you can add different files to the materials and sales documents and show them in the Sana webstore. Using Attachments Overview you can see an overview of all files added to the materials and sales documents and manage their visibility in the webstore.

For more information, see Material Attachments and Sales Document Attachments.

Orders Overview

Transaction code: /n/sanaecom/order

Orders Overview

Keep track of all sales transactions coming from a Sana webstore to SAP.

The Webstore Orders Overview window contains all the relevant information about sales transactions created from a Sana webstore, like customer who created the order, reference number, selected shipping and payment methods, payment transaction ID and status, discount information, etc.

For more information, see Webstore Orders Overview.

Invoice Payments

Transaction code: /n/sanaecom/ invlog

Invoice Payments

Sana allows to accept payments on open invoices through a payment provider directly from a webstore.

Use this table to set up the accounting document type and the G/L account where invoice payments from the Sana webstore must be posted.

For more information, see B2B Customer Invoice Payments.

Data Upload

Transaction code: /n/sanaecom/dataupload

Sana Data Upload

Used to export data from and import to the Sana user table Customer Assortment. The data can be exported and imported using the CSV file.

For more information, see Sana Data Upload.

Data Validation Rules

Transaction code: /n/sanaecom/validate

Data Validation Rules

As a user of SAP in addition to the standard SAP data validation you can set up Sana specific validation rules. Manage validation rules for customers' and products' data. Data validation rules affect data retrieving.

For more information, see Data Validation Rules.

Manual Process Request

Transaction code: /n/sanaecom/mnlrequest

Manual Process Request

Used for debugging purposes to troubleshoot and resolve problems. Using this window, you can manually process XML requests and receive XML responses inside SAP.

For more information, see Manual Process Requests.

Webstore Optimization

Transaction code: /n/sanaecom/optimize

Webstore Optimization

In the Webstore Optimization window, you can disable globally those features which are not necessary for your webstore.

For more information, see Webstore Optimization.

Activate Business Configuration Sets

Transaction code: SCPR20

Activate Business Configuration Sets

This is the standard SAP transaction which is used to activate business configuration sets.

After installing the Sana Commerce add-on inside SAP, the business configuration set of the Sana Commerce solution /SANAECOM/CONFIG must be activated.

For more information, see Activate BC Sets Content.

Adapter Operation Versions

Transaction code: SM30 > Open the table: /sanaecom/vadopv

Adapter Operation Versions

This is the standard SAP transaction which is used to see operation versions of the Sana Commerce adapter.

You must open the table: /sanaecom/vadopv

For more information, see Activate BC Sets Content.

Web Service Maintenance

Transaction code: SICF

Web Service Maintenance

This is the standard SAP transaction for services maintenance inside SAP. You can use it to set up the Sana Web service for SAP.

For more information, see Web Service Configuration (NetWeaver Gateway / ICF).

Sales Statistics

Transaction code: /n/sanaecom/sales_stat

Sales Statistics

SAP gathers the detailed sales statistics for each customer and you can see it in Sana Admin. In the Sales Statistics table, you can add and remove the fields for getting sales statistics data in SAP. There is a predefined list of fields that you can use.

For more information, see Sales Statistics.