Webshop Parameters

In Microsoft Dynamics 365 for Finance and Operations click: Webshop > Setup > Parameters.

Use the Parameters window to enable logging in Microsoft Dynamics 365 for Finance and Operations, enter the time interval when the product can be updated and configure language mapping between Microsoft Dynamics 365 for Finance and Operations and the Sana Commerce Framework.

In the Parameters window, you can see the version of the Sana add-on installed inside Microsoft Dynamics 365 for Finance and Operations. On the action pane, click About Sana to see the Sana version.


The table below provides the description of the Sana webshop parameters.




Logging in Microsoft Dynamics 365 for Finance and Operations is used to write XML requests to and responses from Microsoft Dynamics 365 for Finance and Operations in run-time.

By default, logging is disabled as it affects performance. Therefore, it is better to use it only for debugging purposes.

Include request processing duration

When this option is enabled, there will be an extra node in the XML response that shows time in milliseconds of how long it takes to process the request in Microsoft Dynamics 365 for Finance and Operations and return the response. This information can be used by system administrators, developers and other IT specialists who are responsible for the Sana webshop maintenance to investigate performance issues, if there are any, and check whether the problem is in Microsoft Dynamics 365 for Finance and Operations or it is somewhere on the network.


Update product threshold (sec.)

Threshold is used to skip the value of the Last date / time modified field for the updated product in a certain period of time (sec.). This setting can be helpful in a very specific scenario, therefore it is recommended to use it only when using batch jobs for updating products information in batches.

For example, when multiple prices are updated in the prices table for one product, the value of the Last date / time modified field for this product is updated multiple times. This causes unnecessary database activity and logging.

To prevent this, Update product threshold can be used to update the record only if the previous value of the Last date / time modified filed is older than the one specified in the Update product threshold (sec.) field.

Cache recycling (mins.)


The Cache recycling (mins.) field is available starting from Sana Commerce Cloud 1.0.17 in Microsoft Dynamics 365 for Finance and Operations.

Data that does not tend to change frequently is cached by Microsoft Dynamics 365 for Finance and Operations, for example, product information, product prices, and orderability of products. When data is cached in Microsoft Dynamics 365 for Finance and Operations, it takes much less time for Sana to retrieve this information, which greatly improves performance.

In this field you can specify how long to keep data in cache. You can also clear cache manually, using the button Clear cache at the top of the window.

The default value is 0. Take into consideration that although the default value is 0, cache recycles automatically every 120 min if the default value is used.

Caching works for almost all product data, besides stock. Product stock changes constantly and that’s why it needs to be always up to date.

For example, when a customer loads a product list page in the Sana web store, the requests are sent to Microsoft Dynamics 365 for Finance and Operations to retrieve data for all products present on the product list page from the Microsoft Dynamics 365 for Finance and Operations database. Once product data is retrieved, it is cashed. The next time a customer opens the same product list page, the data for all products will be retrieved not from the Microsoft Dynamics 365 for Finance and Operations database, but from cache, if it is still there, which is much quicker.

Nevertheless, cache should be cleared from time to time in order to show the most current product data to your customers.

Regional settings

Enter the default culture (language culture name) that should be used for communications between the Sana webshop and Microsoft Dynamics 365 for Finance and Operations. The servers on which the Sana webshop, Microsoft Dynamics 365 for Finance and Operations and Web services are installed can have different region / culture settings. This can lead to the problem, for example with date format. The default culture specified in this field will be used in XML requests and responses regardless of the region / culture settings of the servers.


The language pack for the same language must be also installed for your Sana webshop. For more information, see Install Webstore Language Pack That Matches Your ERP Web Service Language.

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