E-mail Addresses


E-mail is an important part of any business. It allows to receive important information and communicate with your customers. When you start setting up your Sana webstore, you need to set up some essential e-mail addresses for your webstore.

In Sana Admin click: Setup > Basics > E-mail addresses.

The e-mail addresses on this page are used for the e-mails that are sent from Sana to webstore customers, for example order confirmation, as well as e-mails that are sent by customers to Sana, for example when a customer tries to contact customer service using the Contact us form.

In the table below you can see the list of all e-mail addresses and their description.

E-mail address


Store e-mail address

The e-mail address specified in this field will be shown in the e-mails sent from a Sana webstore to the customers as a webstore e-mail address. If there is the [SHOPEMAIL] tag in the e-mail template, it will be automatically replaced with the store e-mail address.

For more information, see E-mail Templates.

'From' e-mail address

All e-mails that are sent from a Sana webstore to the customers, like order confirmation, are sent from the e-mail address specified in this field.

For more information, see E-mail Templates.

Customer service e-mail addresses

This is the e-mail address to which all e-mails from the Contact us form of your webstore will be sent.

RMA notifications e-mail addresses

As a webstore administrator, you can receive all return order confirmation e-mails to this address. If you enter the e-mail address in this field, not only the customers will receive the return order confirmation e-mails, but they will be also sent to this e-mail address.

For more information, see Return Orders.

Order notifications e-mail addresses

As a webstore administrator, you can receive all order confirmation e-mails to this address. If you enter the e-mail address in this field, not only the customers will receive the order confirmation e-mails, but they will be also sent to this e-mail address.

B2B registration e-mail addresses

Sana Commerce Cloud offers the online customer registration for B2B and B2C customers.

As a webstore administrator, you receive e-mails to this address when B2B customers register online in the Sana webstore. In this e-mail, a webstore administrator can see a link to review a shop account registration. Clicking on the link opens the B2B shop account in Sana Admin that is pending approval.

For more information, see B2B Customer Registration.

Administrator notifications e-mail addresses

Sana Commerce Cloud allows to place orders even when there is no connection to the ERP system. When the connection between Sana and ERP is lost for some reason, Sana will automatically activate the maintenance mode, and when connection is back, the maintenance mode will be automatically deactivated. In both cases, Sana notifies a system administrator about ERP connection availability by e-mail. You can now use a separate e-mail address to receive e-mails about connection between Sana and your ERP system.

Webstore administrators can also receive e-mails to this address informing them when the scheduled task has failed. There is a name of the task that failed, the name of the webstore, which is useful in case you have several webstores and the error message in the e-mail. Thanks to this, the webstore administrator can quickly respond to problems with data synchronization. To receive the e-mails, a webstore administrator should enable the option Send e-mail to administrator when task has failed in the scheduled task settings.

To provide better customer service, Sana has an error handling mechanism in the shopping cart. When a customer adds products to the shopping cart, the ERP system performs a real-time calculation, and if any error occurs due to invalid data or configuration in ERP, a system e-mail called Basket calculation error will be sent to the webstore administrator with all the details. One e-mail is sent for each unique shopping cart. Up to ten e-mails can be sent in one hour. Sending e-mails about an error in the shopping cart can be disabled and the number of e-mails can be changed. To do this, please contact your Sana representative. This way, the customer service representative can respond faster to the problem and contact the customer to fix it.

Invoice payment notifications e-mail addresses

As a webstore administrator, you can receive all invoice payment confirmation e-mails to this address. If you enter the e-mail address in this field, not only the customers will receive the invoice payment confirmation e-mails, but they will be also sent to this e-mail address.

For more information, see Online Invoice Payments.

Report e-mail addresses

Use report addresses only on test / beta environment for testing purposes. On live environment, this setting should be disabled.

This setting is used to send all Sana e-mails, for example order confirmation, to the specified report address. If you enable Send e-mail to report addresses, enter the e-mail address in the Report addresses text box. In this case, real customers will not receive any e-mails from Sana.

There are e-mail templates in Sana which are used for all system e-mails which are sent from Sana to webstore customers and from customers to Sana. You can change any e-mail template in Sana Admin. For more information, see E-mail Templates.