

In a Sana webshop sales representatives can place orders on behalf of their business customers. A sales representative can also create a prospective customer and place an order on behalf of this prospect.

A sales representative can create a prospective customer from the My Account page in the webshop by clicking Create a prospect order.

Allow Sales Agents to Create Prospects in Sana

To create a prospective customer, a sales representative must enter prospect details.

In Sana Admin a shop administrator can allow and forbid sales representatives create prospective customers, and set up the fields that a sales representative must fill in to create a prospective customer.

Step 1: In Sana Admin click: Setup > Ordering.

Step 2: On the Registration tab, enable the option Create prospects for sales agents.

Step 3: In Sana Admin click: Setup > Profiles & addresses > Prospect profile.

On the Prospect profile tab, set up the profile fields for prospective customers. These are the fields which are shown in the Sana web store on the Prospect details form. A sales agent must fill in this form to create a prospect.

For more information about how to set up prospects in Sana, see Prospects.

Set Up Countries and Customer Templates for Prospects

Countries that are shown in the Country list on the Prospect details form should be configured in SAP Business One. Click: Administration > Setup > Business Partners > Countries. Make sure that for all countries that should be available in the Country list in the web store, there is a Customer Template and the value of the Visible in Web Store field is set to Y. Use the Business Partner Master Data to create template customers. Template customers should be predefined with data, like currency type, discounts and posting groups that will be copied to the prospect.

When a sales agent places an order on behalf of the prospect, the ordering process is just the same as if a sales agent represents a regular business customer.

When you enter prospect details in the web store, a prospect is saved in SAP Business One as a business partner of a Lead type. When the prospect order is placed, it is saved in SAP Business One as a sales quotation.

Note that a sales agent can use a prospect only once. If a sales agent logs out or stops representing the prospect, it will not be possible to represent this prospect again and place an order. If a prospect wants to become a regular customer, the customer can be created from the lead in SAP Business One and a sales quotation can be copied to the sales order.