Estimated Shipment Date and Quantity in ERP

The Estimated shipment date app can use the ATP (available-to-promise) inventory and lead time in the ERP system to show the estimated shipping date for a product in the Sana webstore.

  • The ATP inventory is used to show the first available shipment date and expected quantity.

  • The Lead time is used to show only the estimated shipment date using the formula:
    Current date + Lead time in ERP = Estimated shipment date.

If there is an ATP inventory for a product, the first available date and quantity will be shown on the product details page in the Sana webstore. The estimated shipment date and quantity are based on purchase orders.

If there is no ATP information for a product, the estimated shipment date can be still calculated and shown on the product details page based on the lead time set for the product in the ERP system.

For more information about how to set up the ATP inventory and lead time in different ERP systems, read the information below.

If the estimated shipment date is not shown on the product page in the Sana webstore, it can happen due to the following reasons:

  • There is no connection between Sana and ERP.

  • The ATP / projected available balance information and lead time are not available for the product in ERP.