Estimated Shipment Date and Quantity Based on ATP Information

Some time ago, we released the Estimated Shipment Date content element add-on. It is used to show the estimated date when a product will be available if it is out of stock.

In the first version of this add-on, the date was calculated based on the sales lead time of a product in Microsoft Dynamics AX using the following formula:

Current date + Sales lead time in ERP = Estimated shipment date

We've taken it one step further and greatly improved the data that this add-on can use from Microsoft Dynamics AX to provide more accurate information to customers.

You can now show the estimated shipment date and ATP inventory (quantity) based on ATP date and quantity in Microsoft Dynamics AX. The estimated shipment date and quantity are based on purchase orders.

If there is no ATP information for the product, the estimated shipment date can be still calculated based on the sales lead time set for the product in Microsoft Dynamics AX.

For more information, see Estimated Shipment Date and Quantity in ERP.