Checkout and Sales Document Header Fields
Applies to: Sana Commerce Cloud 126 and higher in SAP S/4HANA.
With Sana Commerce Cloud, you can extend the checkout process and sales documents with additional fields.
You can use the checkout header fields to add extra fields to the last checkout step in the Sana webstore. Adding extra fields to the checkout page is a great way to collect additional information from your customers.
You can use sales document fields to add extra fields to the sales document details (header) on the sales document details page and to the sales document list on the sales document history page in the Sana webstore. Adding extra fields is a great way to show additional information to your customers.
To show additional fields on the checkout page or the sales document pages in the webstore, you must add the necessary fields in Sana Admin as described in the articles linked above. All these fields are retrieved from different tables in SAP S/4HANA.
Therefore, before configuring the checkout header and sales document fields in Sana Admin, you must first choose which fields you need in SAP S/4HANA. You can do this by configuring extra fields in SAP S/4HANA. Open the Field Mapping Sana app in the SAP Fiori Launchpad and select your webstore. Then go to the Extra Fields Mapping tab and click Add Extra Field Mapping. Select the necessary master data type and the field.
For more information, see Extra Fields Mapping.
All fields added on the Extra Fields Mapping tab in SAP S4/HANA and related to sales documents are returned to Sana and can be used to extend the checkout process and sales documents with additional fields.
When all the necessary fields are added, you must run the General information import task in Sana Admin. It will synchronize the selected fields in SAP S/4HANA with Sana Commerce Cloud. After this, you can set up the checkout header fields and sales document fields in Sana Admin.