Sales Document Attachments


Having document attachments in your web store is a great way to enhance your customers experience.

Sana Commerce Cloud supports two types of attachments for sales documents:

  • Attachments which customers can add to the sales orders during the checkout process.

  • Attachments which sales managers can add to different sales documents in SAP Business One and show them in the web store.

Sales Document Attachments Added by Sales Managers in SAP Business One

In SAP Business One you can add different files to the sales documents, for example sales quotations and orders, delivery documents and invoices, and return orders. The files added to the sales documents in SAP Business One are shown on the sales document details pages in the Sana web store.

If you need to provide your business customers with some additional documentation, for example a waybill or a copy of some extra documents, you can attach them to the corresponding sales document in SAP Business One and show in the Sana web store. 


Sana also provides a possibility to attach files to the sales documents using File manager in Sana Admin. For more information, see Sales Document Attachments.

Add Files to the Sales Documents

Step 1: At first you need to create a folder where all sales document attachments will be stored.


  • DI Server: You must create a folder for sales document attachments which can be accessed by the Sana Web service for SAP Business One. The user who runs the application pool of the Sana Web service must have Read and execute permissions on this folder.

  • Service Layer: You must create a folder for sales document attachments which can be accessed by the Service Layer of SAP Business One. As an attachment folder is generally a shared folder on Windows and the Service Layer runs on Linux, the Service Layer cannot directly access the attachments folder. Therefore, you need to create the attachment folders on both servers and mount the Linux folder to the Windows folder. For more information, see Setting up an Attachment Folder in the Working with SAP Business One Service Layer official manual.

Step 2: In SAP Business One click: Administration > System Initialization > General Settings > Path.

In the Attachments Folder field, select the folder where all sales document attachments will be uploaded and then click Refresh Paths in Documents.

Step 3: Open the necessary sales document, for example a sales order. You can add files to the sales document on the Attachments tab.

In SAP Business One you can choose which sales document attachments to show in the Sana web store.

Right-click on the necessary attachment and select Visible in Web Store. This way you can make any sales document attachment visible or invisible in the Sana web store.

If your customer created a sales quotation from the Sana web store and you added some file to it in SAP Business One to provide the customer with some additional information or some documents required for internal purposes, these files can be automatically copied to the sales order.

In SAP Business One click: Web Store > Web Stores. On the General tab, select the Copy attachments from quotation to order checkbox. If a customer converts a quotation into an order in the Sana web store, then all attachments attached to it will be transferred to an order.


The option Copy attachments in quote conversion is not available in SAP Business One 10.0 and higher, because attachments are always copied from quotes to orders.

Enable Sales Document Attachments

Step 1: In SAP Business One click: Web Store > Web Stores.

Step 2: On the Images & Downloads tab, enable sales document attachments for your web store. When you enable sales document attachments, all files added to the sales documents in SAP Business One will be shown on the sales document details pages in the Sana web store.

When all attachments are added to the sales documents in SAP Business One and the option Enable Document Attachment Downloads is enabled in the Web Stores window, you need to run the General information import task. Open Sana Admin and click: System > Scheduled tasks.


When there is no connection between Sana and SAP Business One, it will not be possible to open the attached files until the connection to SAP Business One is re-established.

Attachment Overview


You can see all files attached to the sales documents and change their visibility (show or hide) from the Attachment Overview window.

In SAP Business One click: Web Store > Sana Overviews > Attachment Overview.

By selecting the necessary sales document type in the Document Type field, you will see the list of all existing sales document attachments. If you want to see the files attached to a specific sales document, click the Find button on the Toolbar and in the Document Number field, specify the sales document number, then click Find.

Use the Visibility checkbox to show or hide any sales document attachment in the Sana web store.

You can also open any sales document, right-click on the required attachment and show it or hide using the Visible in Web Store menu item in the context menu.

Sales Document Attachments Added by Customers During Checkout


Applies to: Sana Commerce Cloud 1.0.83 and higher in SAP Business One.

Some business owners can provide their customers with customization services. For example, you are selling t-shirts in your web store and you can personalize any t-shirt at the customer’s request. In this case the possibility to upload files during checkout can come in handy, since a customer can create the custom t-shirt design and upload the file with the design during checkout, instead of contacting you via email or other means of communication.

Having the file upload in the checkout takes the interaction between you and your customers to the next level and improves user experience for shoppers.


Attachments added by customers during checkout are supported by sales orders and sales quotes.

A file added to the sales order by a customer during the checkout process is shown on the sales order details page in the Sana web store.

When a customer adds a file to the sales order, this file is stored in the file system of Sana Commerce Cloud. Also, the URL to the attachment is saved to the sales order in SAP Business One. The SAP Business One user can click on the URL and the attachment will be automatically downloaded.

You can find all files attached to the sales orders at the following location in File manager: Root > Documents > sales document attachments > order. Each folder inside the order folder corresponds to a specific sales order by its ID.

Good to Know

  • When a customer edits an order or a quote with an attachment, an attachment is shown in the last checkout step in the webstore, but a customer cannot edit it. A modified order or a quote is saved to SAP Business One user together with an attachment.

  • When a customer converts a quote with an attachment to a sales order, an attachment is transferred to a sales order. It does not matter which conversion type is used, With checkout or Unattended, an attachment will be transferred to a sales order in any case. If the With checkout conversion type is used, an attachment is shown on the last checkout step in the webstore, but a customer cannot edit it.

Enable and Disable Sales Order Attachments

You can change the visibility of the Attachments area in the Sana web store using the checkout header fields in Sana Admin.

In Sana Admin click: Setup > Ordering > Checkout header fields. Edit the Attachments field. The Attachments field is available on the Checkout header fields tab in Sana Admin by default and you cannot remove it. But you can hide this field if you don't want your web store customers to be able to add attachments to sales orders. You can also set the accepted file types, maximum file name length, maximum file size, etc.

Sales Document Attachments in SAP Business One

The link to the attachment uploaded by a customer during checkout is saved to the sales order in SAP Business One, the Attachment Paths user-defined field. The SAP Business One user can click on the link and the attachment will be automatically downloaded.

For more information, see Sales Order Data.