Dynamic Redirects

Dynamic redirects allow you to direct customers to specific webstore pages when they enter a search term. When a customer searches for a term (keyword or phrase), the redirect returns a specific page, instead of search results with a list of pages found for the entered keyword. Dynamic redirects are also supported for search suggestions and spelling suggestions.

This powerful enhancement to the webstore search functionality makes it easier for webstore visitors to find exactly what they are looking for in the Sana webstore. With dynamic redirects, you have more control over what your customers see, improving their shopping experience and directing them to the right content and products, increasing the likelihood of making a purchase.


A customer is searching for a laptop. The search returns all products with the word "laptop", such as laptops, laptop mouses, laptop bags, laptop stands, etc. This is because these products have the word "laptop" in their names or descriptions, and they are also valid search results. But if you have a product list page for laptops, you can redirect your webstore visitors to that page when they type the word "laptop" in the search box.

Another example is when a webstore visitor is searching for a certain brand, and you have a page dedicated to that brand. You may want to redirect your webstore visitors to this page.

Create a Dynamic Redirect

If your webstore is multi-lingual, you can create dynamic redirects for different languages.

Step 1: In Sana Admin click: Setup > Search & filters > Dynamic redirects.

Here you can see all created dynamic redirects, create a new one, edit or delete it. On the Dynamic redirects page, you can enable or disable the necessary redirects. You can search for dynamic redirects by a search term. You can also filter redirects by the Enabled status.

Step 2: On the Dynamic redirects tab, click Add dynamic redirect.

Step 3: Activate the option Enable dynamic redirect.

Step 4: Select the necessary webstore page. This is the page the customers will be redirected to when they enter the search term.

You can search for an existing webstore page by title or URL, or create a new page. You can select any webstore page for a redirect.

Step 5: Enter a search term. You can enter as many search terms as needed. The search term can consist of one or more words.

The search term entered by the customer in the webstore must match the one in Sana Admin for the redirect to work.