Product Group Specifications

By default, on the product group pages in the Sana webstore the following product information is shown:

  • Item number from ERP

  • Stock availability

  • Product price

You can add up to five extra product specifications to the product group.

In Sana Admin click: Setup > Products > Product specifications.

Product specifications are used to provide more details about a product, for example, its color, size, or model year. Different product fields from your ERP system can be used for product specifications. They can be shown in the webstore on the product details, product list, and product comparison pages.

Up to five product specifications can be also shown for products on the product group pages. Add the necessary fields on the Product specifications tab and enable the Group page option.

Product specifications can also be used to filter and sort the products in the group, which are shown in a table on the product group page. For more information, see Product Group Filters and Sorting.