Disable Credit Limit Check

Different companies and different customers may have different business models and needs – there can be different ways of processing orders and managing customer credit limits.

In Microsoft Dynamics AX, you can choose which message, Warning or Error, to show when customers exceed the credit limit. Previously, if an error was used, customers could not place an order in the Sana webstore until they paid the invoices.

Now, if you use Error in Microsoft Dynamics AX but still want to let your customers create orders in the Sana webstore, you can disable the credit limit check. You can do this in the Webshop optimization window.

Disabling the credit limit check allows customers to place orders in the Sana webstore even if Error is used, but the credit limit is still calculated for customers in Microsoft Dynamics AX, and you will need to process it depending on your setup.

For more information, see Credit Limits.