Order Confirmation

When customers place orders in the Sana webstore, they can see their status and details, and receive a new order notification by e-mail. From this point on, the order processing begins.

Order Confirmation E-Mails

Sana Commerce Cloud uses customer's shop account e-mail address to send order confirmation.

To configure order confirmation, in Sana Admin click: Setup > Basics. See the options under Send order confirmation e-mail.

The table below provides the description of the available options.



Send order confirmation e-mail


Enable or disable sending order confirmation e-mails to the customers. The available options are:

  • Always: Select this option if you want to send the order confirmation e-mails to the customers.

  • Never: Select this option if you do not want to send the order confirmation e-mails to the customers.

Send order confirmation e-mail also to customer when the order is placed by sales agent

If this option is enabled, when a sales agent represents a customer, the order confirmation e-mail will be sent to the sales agent (sales agent shop account e-mail) as well as to the represented customer (customer's e-mail in the ERP system).

If this option is disabled, the order confirmation e-mail will be sent only to the sales agent.

Send order confirmation e-mail also to sales agent when the order is placed by customer

Let’s consider a customer has a shop account and places an order in the webstore. There is also a sales agent linked to this customer in ERP. In this case, the order confirmation e-mail can be sent to the customer’s e-mail in the shop account and to the sales agent’s e-mail in ERP. In this way, you can inform sales agents about orders placed by customers connected to them.

If this option is disabled, the order confirmation e-mail will be sent only to a customer, but not a sales agent.

Sana Commerce Cloud sends the order confirmation e-mail only once, but the trigger for sending can be different:

  1. When a customer successfully pays for an order online from the hosted payment page of the payment provider and is redirected to the Sana webstore, the payment status will either be in progress or paid, and the order confirmation e-mail will be sent.
  2. When a customer successfully pays for an order online from the hosted payment page of the payment provider, does not wait to be redirected back to the webstore, but closes the browser or browser tab. In this case, when the payment provider returns the payment status to Sana as paid, the order confirmation e-mail will be sent.
  3. When the task Sync payment statuses between Sana and PSP updates the payment status of an order to paid, the order confirmation e-mail will be sent.
  4. When the webstore is in the maintenance mode (no ERP connection) and later when the ERP connection is restored and the task Sync payment statuses between Sana and ERP updates the payment status of an order to paid in ERP, the order confirmation e-mail will be sent.

The order confirmation e-mails are sent to different e-mail addresses in different scenarios. To summarize and to have a clear understanding of which e-mail addresses are used for order confirmation e-mails, see all possible scenarios below.

  1. When a customer places an order, the order confirmation e-mail is sent to the e-mail address of the customer's shop account in Sana Admin.

  2. When a sales agent places an order on behalf of a business customer, and it is enabled to send order confirmation e-mails to both, it is sent to the e-mail address of the sales agent's shop account in Sana Admin and to the customer's e-mail address in the ERP system.

  3. If a customer places an order in the webstore and also a sales agent is linked to this customer in ERP, then the order confirmation e-mail can be sent to the customer’s e-mail in the shop account and to the sales agent’s e-mail in ERP.

  4. If a customer in the ERP system has the associated bill-to (invoice) customer account, the order confirmation e-mail is sent to the e-mail address of a customer in ERP and to the e-mail address of the associated bill-to (invoice) customer in ERP.

  5. All order confirmation e-mails are also sent to the e-mail address set in the Order notifications e-mail addresses field in Sana Admin under: Setup > Basics > E-mail addresses.

In some cases, Sana Commerce Cloud sends the order confirmation e-mail to the customer’s e-mail address specified in ERP. If the customer has multiple e-mail addresses in ERP, Sana will send the order confirmation e-mails to all customer's e-mail addresses specified in ERP.

For order confirmation e-mails Sana uses the Order Confirmation e-mail template, which can be seen in Sana Admin: Setup > E-mail templates.

  • When a customer edits the existing order in a Sana webstore and then places it, the Edited Order Confirmation e-mail will be sent to the customer with the latest order details.

  • When the order has been placed and paid successfully, the Order Confirmation e-mail is sent to the customer .

  • When the order has been created and paid, and the payment status is In progress, the Order received e-mail is sent to customers.

  • When the order has been created and paid, and the payment status is In progress, the Guest order received e-mail is sent to webstore visitors (guests).

For more information about e-mail templates, see E-Mail Templates.


If a customer pays via Bank transfer payment method, the order confirmation is sent to a customer when the order status is set to In progress.

This is because the payment process of the Bank transfer payment method differs. In the Bank transfer payment method, purchasers take the initiative. They send to their bank an order to transfer an amount from their account to the account of the seller. Docdata receives customer's payment and transfers it through to the merchant.

Order Confirmation Pages

In Sana there are several system pages that notify a customer about the order status – whether the order was created successfully or not. These pages are system pages with the predefined content that exist in Sana Commerce Cloud and you can change them if you want to look them different.

To edit the content of the order confirmation pages, in Sana Admin click: Web pages > System pages. On the System pages page, you can see all available system pages and you can find and edit the necessary page.

Below you can see a list of order confirmation pages that exist in Sana Commerce Cloud: