Product Specifications

The Product specifications content element is used to add product specifications to the product details page.

Product specifications are characteristics which can add more information to a product and help further refine your catalog. Any product field from your ERP system can be used for product specifications.

Product specifications are shown on the product details page only if they are configured in the ERP system and are made visible in Sana Admin. To manage product specifications, in Sana Admin click: Setup > Products > Product specifications.

Content Tab

Using the Show heading option on the Content tab, you can show or hide the heading in the Product specifications content element.

Advanced Tab

On the Advanced tab of the Product specifications content element, you can configure height, width, and spacing settings.

For more information about advanced settings, see Content Elements.

Change the Text of the Product Specifications

Many webstores name the element as Product specifications. However, you might prefer to use the words Product characteristics, Specifications, Product information, or whatever text you like.

You can easily change the title of the Product specifications content element in the English language or any other installed webstore language. There are two ways to change the default text of the element.

  1. You can use the built-in Sana tool In-site editor.

    In Sana Admin click: Setup > Page elements & messages. On the All texts tab, click the button Browse in webstore. This way you can edit the text of the link directly on the webstore.

  2. You can find the default text of the element in Sana Admin and change it. For more information, see Webstore UI Texts.

    In Sana Admin click: Setup > Page elements & messages. To find the necessary text, on the All texts tab, search for Product_TabSpecifications ID. Here you can change the default text of the Product specifications content element.