Supported Payment Methods
Payment method |
Shopper countries |
Authorisation adjustment |
Separate captures |
Partial captures |
Refunds |
Partial refunds |
Puerto Rico, United States |
International |
International |
International |
United Kingdom |
Belgium |
Brazil |
France |
Denmark |
International |
International |
Brazil |
Austria |
International |
Brazil |
Netherlands |
International |
Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Finland, Germany, Norway, Poland, Sweden, Switzerland, The Netherlands, United Kingdom |
Austria, Belgium, Germany, Sweden, Switzerland, The Netherlands |
Australia, Austria, Finland, France, Germany, Ireland, Italy, Norway, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, United Kingdom, United States |
International |
International |
Denmark, Finland |
Portugal |
Finland |
Malaysia |
Mexico |
International |
Germany, France, United Kingdom |
SEPA countries |
Sweden |
Finland, Sweden, Norway, The Baltics, Spain, Slovakia, Denmark, United Kingdom |
Switzerland |
International |
Norway |
International |
International |
Malaysia |
Related Articles
Request Payment Methods
Configure Payment Methods for Sana Pay
Authorisation Adjustment
Capture Payments
Refund Payments