Content Indexing

The Content indexing task serves the following purposes:

  • The task publishes new blog articles and updates the already published blog articles in case some changes were made to them.

  • The task is used for the content search. It indexes the blog articles, content pages, FAQ pages and news pages. After indexing these pages can be searched by users in the webstore. Also, in case some changes were made to the pages, the task updates the index to use the relevant data in the webstore search.

In Sana Admin click: System > Scheduled tasks.

Set Up the Content Indexing Task

Click Edit on the Content indexing scheduled task to edit it.

The table below provides the description of the Content indexing task settings.

Field Description

Run on schedule

Use this option to enable automatic running of the content indexing task according to the configured schedule, or disable it to allow only manual start of the task.

If you enable Run on schedule, you should enter either the interval in minutes when the task should run automatically or the fixed time.

Run interval (in minutes)

Enter the time interval in minutes when the task should run automatically.

Run time

Enter a fixed time when the task should start automatically. Use the time picker to set the desired time. The user’s local time zone is used.

Send e-mail to administrator when task has failed

Use this option to enable or disable e-mail notifications when a scheduled task fails.

If the scheduled task has failed, the webstore administrator receives an e-mail with the name of the task that failed, the name of the webstore, which is useful in case you have several webstores, when the task failed, and the error message. Thanks to this, the webstore administrator can quickly respond to problems with data synchronization.

Maximum archived logs

Enter the maximum number of log files to store. If this number exceeds, the oldest log file will be removed and the new one will be created.

Index blog articles

The indexing of blog articles depends on the Enable blog option on the Blog settings page which is used to enable and disable the blog functionality. If the Enable blog option is enabled, then blog articles will be indexed. If the Enable blog option is disabled, the blog articles will not be indexed.

The Index blog articles setting only indicates whether the blog articles will be indexed or not.

For more information, see Blog Settings.

Index content pages

This option is used to index content pages.

Index FAQ pages

This option is used to index FAQ pages.

Index news pages

This option is used to index news pages.

Related Articles

Content Search
Blog Layout