Product Search

As consumers increasingly rely on digital platforms for their shopping needs, they expect to find desired products quickly and effortlessly. A robust product search functionality is essential for meeting these expectations, guiding customers through vast inventories and delivering relevant results promptly. Effective product search is a critical feature that directly impacts the performance and reputation of a webstore.

You can allow your webstore visitors to search products by their IDs, names, descriptions, and other product information retrieved from your ERP system. Besides, you can allow webstore visitors to search products by content (text) available on the product details pages.

If you want to allow your webstore visitors to search products by content on the product details pages, go to Keyword fields and add the Product details page content field to the keyword fields.

When this field is added, run the Product import scheduled task. In this way, content on the product details pages will become searchable.

Only the data from the following content elements on the product details pages will be used to search the products:

Also, the customer segments applied to the row and visibility settings set for the row which contains the Heading, Paragraph or Image content elements will be considered.