Product Price and Discounts

The Product price and Product discounts content elements are used to add product price and discounts to the product details page.

There is nothing as complex as pricing when you are selling online, since product prices can depend on many variables. As Sana Commerce Cloud is the ERP integrated e-commerce solution, it natively uses any price rules and conditions that are in your ERP system. If a product in your ERP system has a unit price, any sales prices based on different variables or any other price conditions - any changes in pricing will be naturally reflected on the sales price in the ERP system, and thus, automatically in the Sana webstore. 


Sana Commerce Cloud does not have any influence on how prices are calculated. The default ERP logic is used. In Sana Admin you can only control which prices and discounts you want to show to your customers in your webstore.

To set up prices and discounts presentation in your webstore, in Sana Admin click: Setup > Products > Price.

There are no specific settings for the Product price and Product discounts content elements, but you can configure height, width, and spacing settings on the Advanced tab.

For more information about advanced settings, see Content Elements.

Product Price Content Element

Product Discounts Content Element

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