Product Group Pages


Product groups are used to combine similar products into groups. Imagine that for example, you sell electronics, small components used in construction or spare parts and you have many identical items differing only in size. Can you imagine how difficult it would be for customers to find what they need when they see long lists of identical items in your webstore? And now think what if all these products are shown in the webstore in groups, for example, a group of identical screws that differ only in length. This will make it much easier to find the right product.

Product groups can be used in addition to item categories in ERP, webstore navigation, product sets, filters, and search to make it easier for customers to find what they are looking for.

Product groups can be useful for merchants who sell:

  • Spare parts, for example, for household appliances.

  • Small components that are used in construction or repair, such as screws, bolts, nuts, etc. which vary in size or diameter for example.

  • Automobile parts.

  • If your ERP system does not have the product variants functionality or it is not good enough and you sell a lot of similar products which vary in size or color for example. But if you use product variants in your ERP system, we do not recommend to group products with variants. The product variant selector is not shown on product group pages for products with multiple variants, potentially causing customers to order the wrong product.

To use product grouping, you will need to:

  1. Assign all products that need to be grouped to a particular group in ERP. You will either need existing product fields in ERP, or you will need to create two fields, for example using item attributes.

  2. Enable and configure product grouping in Sana Admin.