Sana and Advanced Related Products


Compatibility: Sana Commerce Cloud 1.87 and higher.

The Advanced related products content element empowers users to showcase their products dynamically throughout the product detail page, enhancing product flexibility. Using the Advanced related products content element, you can better present the related products in the webstore, and in this way enhance the overall shopping experience by making it more convenient and enjoyable for users to discover relevant products. Additionally, users can conveniently add products to their shopping carts directly from the related products section in the webstore, streamlining the shopping process.

Related products are used to add similar or substitute products like accessories or spare parts and build relationships between the related products and the original product. These product relations are used for cross- and up-selling, or it can be also used to provide alternatives in case any of these products is out of stock.

With the Advanced related products content element you can provide seamless shopping experience, encourage additional purchases, and help customers discover new items that they may be interested in. This can ultimately lead to increased sales and customer satisfaction.

There is also the related products feature in the standard product which serves the same purpose. The Advanced related products content element provides more options in configuring and displaying smarter related products, that is why you can use it as an alternative to the standard related products functionality.

  • Select the size of the product images: small or medium.
  • Select which relation type to show: mix & match and several groups of related items.
  • Select the quantity and unit of measure for a product in the carousel view.
  • Add related products to the shopping cart directly from the product details page of the original item.