Unable to Repair UDTs/UDFs


SAP Business One


Error in the SAP Business One progress bar when trying to create or refresh Sana related UDTs and UDFs. The error can be similar to the one below.

[SAP AG][LIBODBCHDB32 DLL][HDBODC32] General error;359 string is too long: Length of input string(22) is longer than defined(20):‘-3@SANAECOM_DATESETUP’ : For the detail, please refer to the “SAP Note 2254543”


The name of the UDT or UDF is longer than the value that can be accommodated.


SAP intends to provide a patch or patches in order to solve this problem. The section Reference to Related Notes below will list the specific patches once they become available. The corresponding Info file of the patches in SAP Service Marketplace will also show the SAP Note number. Please note that these references can only be set at the patch release date. SAP will deliver patches only for selected releases at its own discretion, based on the business impact and the complexity of the implementation.

For more information refer to the SAP note:
