Tax Registration No. Formats

Tax registration number is the unique number that identifies a taxable person (business) or non-taxable legal entity that is registered for tax.

You can ask a customer to enter the tax registration number, when:

  • A customer registers in a Sana webshop.

  • A customer creates an order as a guest without registration.

  • A sales agent creates a prospect.

In Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central, you can set up tax registration number formats to ensure that a number entered by a customer corresponds to the standard format used in a customer's country. Tax registration number is validated in a Sana webshop based on the format set in Dynamics 365 Business Central.

Set Up Tax Registration No. Format

Step 1: In Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central click on the search button and enter Countries/Regions.

Step 2: Select a country and on the Navigate tab, click Tax Reg. No. Formats.

Step 3: Specify tax registration number format for a country. Several formats can be added to each country.

The following symbols can be used to specify tax registration number format for a country:

  • "#" - only a digit can be entered

  • "@" - only a letter can be entered (a-z or A-Z)

  • "?" - any character can be entered

You can use characters other than those listed above, if the characters are always present in a country's / region's tax registration number.

For example, a period after each group of four digits must be entered as follows: ####.####.####.