What Is The Sana Transition Guide?

As you probably already know, we have released a new product called Sana Commerce Cloud. If not, please read the Sana Commerce Cloud Release Notes first. There you will find out why we released a new Sana product and not a new version.

The Transition Guide is a step-by-step-guide for Sana customers on what to do when migrating from Sana Commerce 9 to Sana Commerce Cloud. The transition from Sana Commerce 9 to Sana Commerce Cloud consists of several phases and is a joint work of various Sana representatives and the customer.

We published the Transition Guide to provide more background information for existing customers that are already running on Sana Commerce 9 and want to migrate to Sana Commerce Cloud. It provides additional information on the Sana Commerce Cloud release scope, Sana add-ons, what data will be migrated automatically, and data that must be migrated manually by the web store owner, etc.

If you miss something in this guide, please reach out to your Sana contact person.