Webstore Maintenance Tasks

The Webstore maintenance tasks scheduled task is used to remove the unnecessary Sana data. It essentially combines three tasks into one:

  • Clean up expired login sessions

  • Clean up audit logs

  • Clean up recycle bin

You can remove only those data that you need. Enable the necessary option or all at once and run the task.

Clean Up Expired Login Sessions

When a user logs in to Sana Admin, a login session will be created for this user. In order to minimize the time period, an attacker can launch attacks over the active sessions and hijack them, there is an expiration timeout for every session, establishing the amount of time a session remains active.

If the user does not perform any actions in Sana Admin for a while, the session will expire, redirecting the user to the login page.

Sana Admin login session expires in 90 minutes.

You can remove all expired Sana Admin login sessions from the database.


When customers log in to the Sana webstore, the login session will be created for them. If customers do not perform any actions in the webstore, the session will expire in 20 minutes, redirecting them to the login page.

Clean Up Audit Logs

Sana Admin writes audit logs that record all user activities and accesses in Sana Admin. An audit log keeps track of information and helps you answer “who did what, where, and when?” in Sana Admin. For more information, see Audit Logging.

Keeping audit logs for a long time in Sana Admin leads to the accumulation of unnecessary data. You can remove all audit logs for a certain period of time. Sana Admin audit logs are stored for at least 60 days or longer. You cannot remove audit logs for the last 60 days.

Clean Up Recycle Bin

You can perform any operations with files and folders in Sana Admin using File manager. On top of multiple actions that File manager provides, there is also a possibility to delete files and folders. All deleted files and folders are stored in the Recycle Bin in the File manager.

You can remove the files and folders from the Recycle Bin or restore them to the original location. Nevertheless, it is not recommended to keep the data in the Recycle Bin for a long time, since it can lead to the accumulation of unnecessary data.

Using the Webstore maintenance tasks task, you can remove the folders and files that have been stored in the Recycle Bin in the File manager for a long time.

Set Up the Webstore Maintenance Tasks Task

To set up the Webstore maintenance tasks task, click Edit.

The table below provides the description of the Webstore maintenance tasks task settings.



Run on schedule

Use this option to enable the automatic running of the Webstore maintenance tasks task according to the configured schedule, or disable it to allow only the manual start of the task.

If you enable Webstore maintenance tasks, you should enter either the interval in minutes when the task should run automatically or the fixed time.

Run interval (in minutes)

Enter the time interval in minutes when the task should run automatically.

Run time

Enter a fixed time when the task should start automatically. Use the time picker to set the desired time. The user’s local time zone is used.


Turn on the corresponding Enabled toggle to remove:

  • Expired login sessions

  • Audit logs

  • Recycle bin

Number of minutes before expired login session is removed

Enter the number of minutes before the expired login session is removed.

By default, the value of this parameter is set to 60 minutes, meaning that all login sessions that expired more than an hour ago will be removed.

Number of days to keep audit logs

Enter the number of days to keep audit logs.

By default, the value of this parameter is set to 60 days, meaning that all audit logs that were created more than 60 days ago will be removed.

You can keep audit logs for at least 60 days and they cannot be removed.

The number of days to keep audit logs should be between 60 and 720.

Number of days to keep items in recycle bin

Enter the number of days to keep data in the recycle bin of the File manager.

By default, the value of this parameter is set to 30 days, meaning that all data that was added to the recycle bin more than 30 days ago will be removed.

Maximum archived log files

Enter the maximum number of log files to store.

If this number exceeds, the oldest log file will be removed and the new one will be created.