Stop Words

Stop words are commonly used words, like articles, prepositions, pronouns, conjunctions. Some examples include but, in, of, with, a, an, the, etc. Stop words may be ignored in search queries and search results since they do not add significant value to a search. By ignoring stop words, the search engine can focus on more meaningful, relevant words. This allows to speed up and provide more precise search results.

For example, a user enters a chair for the kitchen in the search box. The words a, for and the are the stop words in this case and they will be omitted in the results, instead the keywords chair and kitchen will be prioritized. In search results a user may see kitchen chair.

Sana Commerce Cloud supports stop words for the following languages:

  • Arabic
  • Danish

  • Dutch

  • English

  • Estonian

  • Finnish

  • French

  • German

  • Greek

  • Hungarian

  • Indonesian

  • Italian

  • Norwegian

  • Polish

  • Portuguese

  • Spanish

  • Swedish

  • Turkish