Configure USPS Domestic
Before configuring Sana’s USPS Domestic app, you should create a USPS merchant account and register for USPS Web API Access to receive User Id, Domestic API URL (Domestic Rates API - RateV4) and International API URL (International Rates API - IntlRateV2) from USPS. For more information, read Rate Calculator APIs.
When you have all the necessary information from USPS, you can start configuring USPS shipping provider in Sana Admin.
Step 1: The USPS Domestic shipping provider is available as an app. It can be installed from the Sana App Center. In Sana Admin click: App Center > Apps > Apps Explorer. When the USPS Domestic app is installed, you can configure it on the app details page by clicking on the Configure button .
Step 2: Configure the USPS connection settings. Enter the following information provided by USPS Domestic:
Domestic API URL
User Id
Step 3: Configure the webstore shipping origin:
If the option Use custom shipping origin is disabled, then the shipping origin will be retrieved from the ERP system. For the shipping cost calculation, the address of the warehouse that you ship from when delivering goods to the customer will be used. In case of an anonymous webstore visitor, the warehouse address of the template customer will be used.
If the option Use custom shipping origin is enabled, then the shop administrator should manually enter the webstore shipping origin address. All shipping costs will be calculated based on this address.
When USPS Domestic is configured, you can create USPS Domestic shipping methods.