What’s New in Sana for SAP S/4HANA

Release date: March 27, 2024

Learn about new features, improvements, and bug fixes in this release.

What's New

Sales Order Attachments

When placing an order in the webstore, customers can now attach files. These files are saved to Sana Commerce Cloud, displayed on the order details page, and the link to the file is also saved to the sales order attachments in SAP S/4HANA.

  • In a B2B scenario, business customers may need to attach some documents when placing an order, for example.
  • In a B2C scenario, this can be useful if you sell, for example, personalized products such as products with an image or engraving. Then your customers can attach a picture with an example of what they would like to see when placing an order.

Sales Reports in Different Languages

Webstore customers can now download sales reports, such as order, delivery, and billing, in the webstore language of their choice.

This works if the print output of the sales document is available in the required languages in SAP S/4HANA.

Other Changes

  • Now we don't filter customer shipping addresses by account groups. You can select customer account groups in the Customer Settings of the Webstore Configuration app. Sana Commerce Cloud indexes only those customers who belong to the selected account groups. Previously, if a customer account that was used as a ship-to party partner function belonged to the account group that was not configured for Sana, the shipping address was not used by Sana for that customer. SAP now returns all customer shipping addresses to Sana regardless of the account group.
  • Added the Show All ERP and Sana Orders filter to the Webstore Orders Overview app in SAP GUI. It is used to show only sales orders created in the Sana webstore or all, including those created directly in SAP. This is not a new feature. It is available in the Fiori app but was missing in SAP GUI.
  • Add the Visible From and Visible To fields to the Webstore Catalog Overview app in SAP GUI. These fields are used to set the material visibility dates. This is not a new feature. It is available in the Fiori app but was missing in SAP GUI.
  • We have made the B2C Customer field optional for countries setup in the Webstore Configuration app. It is used to select B2C customer templates for different countries used in the Sana webstore for B2C customer registration. Previously, this field was mandatory. Now we have made it optional. If you have a B2B webstore, there is no need to select B2C customer templates.

Bug Fixes

Below you will find a list of key bugs fixed in this release. We have not included every bug fix, focusing instead on the most critical ones.

  1. Fixed an issue that caused a customer to be unable to register online in the Sana webstore.
  2. Fixed an issue that caused a sales agent to be unable to create a prospect in the Sana webstore.
  3. Fixed an issue that caused an error when trying to edit a quote or order in the Sana webstore.
  4. Fixed a few issues that caused the Product import task to fail.
  5. Fixed an issue with showing wrong prices with discounts in the shopping cart and order details.
  6. Fixed an issue that caused 0 stock to be returned for the material from SAP to Sana when the material was in stock.
  7. Fixed an issue with converting quotes to orders in the Sana webstore. There was an issue that caused 0 stock and error during conversion.
  8. Fixed an issue with downloading sales document reports in the Sana webstore.
  9. Fixed an issue that caused the product classification mapping records to disappear in the Field Mapping Sana Fiori app when a user disables any mapping rule.
  10. Fixed an issue with creating customer assortment rules in the Sana Fiori app using customer groups.
  11. Fixed an issue with submitting and canceling filters in the Catalog Overview Sana Fiori app.
  12. Fixed an issue that caused receiving an empty GetOrders API response for partner functions other than SE and all sales document types.
  13. Fixed an issue with opening the Catalog Overview Sana Fiori app when certain webstore filters were configured.
  14. Fixed an issue with customers not being filtered correctly in the Customer Overview Sana Fiori app based on the customer data validation rules.
  15. Fixed an issue that sometimes caused an error when opening the Integrity Check Sana Fiori app.
  16. Fixed an issue with updating material visibility in the Catalog Overview Sana Fiori app using material range.
  17. Fixed an issue with changing the visibility of material attachments using the Attachments Overview Sana Fiori app.
  18. Fixed an issue with showing the correct file name and format for return order attachments in the Attachments Overview Sana Fiori app.
  19. Fixed a sales document type conversion issue for invoices in the Webstore Configuration Sana Fiori app.
  20. Fixed an issue with displaying material orderability in the Webstore Catalog Overview app. There was a mismatch between two clients, SAP GUI and SAP Fiori launchpad.