Item Variants


When you use LS Retail, to create item variants based on dimension combinations you should use the LS Retail functionality instead of standard Microsoft Dynamics NAV. Variant Framework used in LS Retail allows to create more complex and advanced item variants and their combinations.

To create item variants in LS Retail, you have to set up:

  • Variant Framework Base Values

  • Variant Framework Codes

  • Combinations (Variant Values)

  • Visibility of item variants

Below is a step-by-step guide on how to create item variants in LS Retail.


Remember that when you use LS Retail, to create and manage item variants based on dimension combinations you should only use LS Retail functionality described in this chapter. If item variants based on dimension combinations are created in LS Retail and at the same time the same item has variants created using standard Microsoft Dynamics NAV functionality, only LS Retail item variants will be shown in the webshop.

You can create item variants using both standard Microsoft Dynamics NAV functionality and LS Retail functionality, but one and the same item should not have item variants created using both standard NAV and LS Retail.

Variant Framework Base Values

Before defining variant frameworks to be used, you should set up the base values on which the frameworks are based.

Set Up Variant Framework Base Values

Step 1: Click: LS Retail - BackOffice > Setup > Item > Variant Framework > Variant Framework Base Values:

Step 2: On the Extended Variant Dimensions FastTab, create a new line and in the Code field, enter the name of the variant base value identifier, for example color, size or style.

Step 3: On the Variant Base Values FastTab, enter the values in the Value column for each created variant base value identifier.

For example, if on the Extended Variant Dimensions FastTab, you added Color, then on the Variant Base Values FastTab, enter the valid list of values for color, for example black, green, white, red, etc.

This way you can create as many Extended Variant Dimensions and related Variant Base Values as needed.

Variant Framework Codes

When Variant Framework Base Values are created you should set up Variant Framework Codes.

Set Up Variant Framework Codes

Step 1: Click: LS Retail - BackOffice > Setup > Item > Variant Framework > Variant Framework Codes Setup:

Step 2: Create a new line and enter a name for the framework in the Framework Code field, for example men, women, children.

Step 3: In the Description field, enter the description for the framework.

Step 4: In the Item Category and Product Group fields, specify to which item category and product group the framework belongs.

Step 5: In the Variant Suffix/Sequence No. field, enter an incremental string for creating a variants base in this framework, for example V001. This string defines the first variant for each item. For example, V001 defines variants V001, V002 and so on.

Step 6: When the Variant Framework Code is created and all the necessary fields are set, click Combinations at the top of the window:

Step 7: In the Variant Framework window, on the EditBox FastTab, define the list of variant base value identifiers for this framework.

For example, if you manage the Variant Framework "WOMEN" (clothing for women), the following variant base value identifiers can be set, like color, size and style.


In the Variant Framework window, on the EditBox FastTab, maximum 6 dimension combinations can be set. These dimension combinations will be shown in the webshop on the product details page as separate dropdowns with variant values based on the Variant Framework assigned to the Retail Item.

If Variant Framework assigned to the item contains only 1 or 2 dimension combinations, item variants can be shown in the webshop either in the dropdown or matrix display mode, depending on the selected page layout in Sana Admin.

If Variant Framework assigned to the item contains 3 - 6 dimension combinations, item variants are shown in the webshop only in the dropdown display mode regardless of the selected page layout.

The full list of variant values is automatically retrieved from the Variant Framework Base Values table for each added variant base value identifier. But on the Variant Values FastTab, you can make changes to the list of variant values for the current framework. For example, a black color is not a valid color for this specific framework, therefore it can be deleted.

When the Variant Frameworks are created and configured you can assign the appropriate Variant Framework Codes to the Retail Items. Specifying the Variant Framework Code on the Retail Item Card will create item variants based on the assigned Variant Framework for this specific item.

To open the retail item, click: LS Retail - Backoffice > Item > Retail Items.

Variant Framework can be set for an item on the Retail Item Card on the General FastTab, in the Variant Framework Code field:

When the Variant Framework Code is set on the Retail Item Card, the item variants will be created for this item based on the assigned Variant Framework.

To see the item with variants in the webshop, the item variants should be made visible in the webshop.

Make the Item Variants Visible / Invisible in the Webshop

Step 1: At the top of the Retail Item Card, click: Related Information > Item > Variants.

Step 2: Use the Visible in Webshop checkbox to make item variants visible / invisible in the webshop:

Item variants based on the assigned variant framework are shown on the product details page in the webshop.