Auto Charges


Auto charges are used to apply any charges automatically to a sales order header or lines based on certain criteria.

To set up auto charges in Microsoft Dynamics 365 for Finance and Operations click: Accounts receivable > Charges Setup > Auto charges.

Use the Auto charges form to define auto charges for customers and items.

The table below provides description of the auto charges fields:



General area


In the Level field, select the level to apply an auto charge to.

Two options are available:

  • Header - Apply charges to the order header.

  • Line - Apply charges to the order lines.

Account code

Select an account code to specify whether the charge is to be calculated for a specific account, a specific account group, or all accounts.

Customer relation

If you set the value in the Account code field to Table, specify the customer account number for which the charge should be created.

If you select Group, specify the charge group for which the charge should be created.

Item code

Specify whether the charge should to be calculated for a specific item, a specific item group, or all items.

Available only if you set up charges for the sales order lines.

Item relation

If the value in the Item code field is Table, specify the item number for which the charge should be created.

If the value is Group, specify the item charge group for which the charge should be created.

Mode of delivery code

Specify whether the shipping charge for sales orders is to be calculated for a specific mode of delivery, a specific mode-of-delivery group, or all modes of delivery.

When the customer creates an order in the web store, Microsoft Dynamics 365 for Finance and Operations calculates the charge for the mode of delivery that is linked to the shipping method in Sana Admin. If the shipping methods in Sana are not linked to the modes of delivery in Microsoft Dynamics 365 for Finance and Operations, the mode of delivery set for the customer is used. If you select All, the shipping charge will be calculated for all modes of delivery.

Mode of delivery relation


Charges code

Select one of the charges created in the Charges codes form. When a customer places an order in the Sana webshop and the auto charge is applied, the description of the appropriate charge code and charge value will be shown in the shopping cart.


Select the method by which the charge should be calculated, for example fixed amount or percentage.

Charges value

Specify the value for the charge category.

From amount

Specify a starting amount of the order total to apply the auto charge to.

To amount

Specify the ending amount of the order total to apply the auto charge to.

Tiered Charges

From amount and To amount fields mean that you can setup tiered charges. It is possible to setup tiered charges only if auto charges are defined at the main level (order header) and the charge category is fixed or percentage.

For example, if you enter 1000$ in the From amount field and 5000$ in the To amount field, the auto charge will be applied to the sales orders with the total order amount in the range 1000$ - 5000$.

Since the system requires to calculate and compare the configured charges against the sales order total, this calculation is done by using the Tiered charges function on the sales order header, on the Sell tab. When you click Tiered charges on the sales order in Dynamics 365 for Finance and Operations, the applied tiered charge can be seen in the Charges transactions window by clicking Charges.


In Dynamics 365 for Finance and Operations tiered charges are not supported for sales quotations. In case a customer creates a quotation in the Sana webshop and then converts it into a sales order tiered charges will not be used as well.